Wednesday, May 15, 2013

What Did You Teach Your Child Today?

Do you remember getting off the bus as a child, coming home to your mom and getting asked, "So what did you learn today?"  I do and typically, I would give some answer that explained what we went over in class.  Well my kids do pretty much the same with their dad.  He comes home from work and will ask them, "So what did you guys do today, what did you learn?" At this moment my ears perk up and I tune in hoping to hear my kids tell their dad all about the educationally stimulating day I planned out for them.  More often than not my kids will talk about a craft they did, a lap book perhaps, and sometimes to my horror my oldest will say I don't remember.

On those days, and especially the days we don't really get anything accomplished I like to remind myself my kids are learning, even when we are not strictly adhering to their curriculum.  So for you moms that might be down on yourself about what your child is learning think about the following:
1. Your child learned patience when you waited in the shopping lane while the customer in front of you had a million price checks and you did not once complain.
2. Your children learned perseverance when you didn't quit after trying to fix the their toy with a butter knife as a screw driver, because you couldn't find dad's tools.
3. The kids learned resiliency when you made two dinners after burning the first one.
4. Your kids learned to be charitable when you didn't snap at the cashier asking if you would like to donate a dollar to some cause.
5. Your children learned to have a good work ethic when you cheered them on as they helped you clean the garage.

I could go on and on.  The fact is that we are constantly teaching our children.  In fact, I would say the lessons that will take them furthest in life often will not come in the pages of a well thought out curriculum.  They will be embedded in their character as they see you respond to situations in your daily life.

Happy Homeschooling ...

Monday, February 4, 2013

My Perfectly Imperfect Life

Last week I had a conversation with my sister about blogs and how we just can't figure out how some moms just do it all.  Then she made the comment that if you look at my blog you get the impression that I have the perfect homeschool, the perfect clean house, and we take all of these perfect family field trips all the while making homemade bread and jam everyday.

It was all I could do not to control my laughter because perfection and me are worlds apart.  We always like to show the world our best but in doing so please rest assured that even as I write this post my laundry is falling out of the laundry basket, the kids are still sleep and homeschool should have started 10 minutes ago, and I have a pile of to do's waiting for me that I know I can't possibly get done.
I'm waiting for the laundry fairy to come and save me :-)
Wake Up!!!  School started 10 minutes ago...

Nobody's life is perfect.  Blogs help us put our best foot forward and are a great way for us to share what has worked in our homes with the rest of the world.  I can honestly say I don't think I would be able to do as much as I do if it was not for all the tips and advice I have read from other bloggers.

However, in showing the world our best I think it can be helpful every now and then to show the world that super mom does not exist.  She's a myth.  No one has it all together and nobody's perfect.  So please stay encouraged in whatever you are doing today.  Whether it is making your own homemade bread or thanking God for the drive thru :-)

Be Blessed ...

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

God is In Control

"God is in control."
How many times have we heard this or even said it ourselves.  It is almost cliche, something we say in passing without giving it much thought.  We certainly don't act like God is in control and has our best interests in mind.  We go about our daily lives allowing fear to take the driver's seat more often than the faith we so proudly boast in.

I was reminded of this simple truth yesterday while at my daughter's gymnastics practice.  I was speaking with two other homeschool moms.  One with children close to my own children's ages.  The other mom has children ranging from adult to elementary age.  She is truly a seasoned mother with wisdom just pouring out of her every word.  As she listened to us discuss the reasons we homeschool and some of the challenges we face she simply and politely said we will truly understand our children are in God's hands when we realize we are not in control.  God is in control.

I am not sure why this hit me so hard yesterday.  Why this truth I have heard probably hundreds of times really stuck out in my mind.  Perhaps sometimes we really just need to be reminded from a gentle spirit that has been seasoned with experience.  So if you are allowing fear of what might become of your children or fear of the influence of this culture sit in the drivers seat of decisions you make concerning your children; give the wheel back to the Lord.  Sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

Happy Homeschooling . . .