Monday, July 2, 2012

The Most Important Subject During My Homeschool Day

Like many homeschoolers I often find my day going way off schedule.  To be perfectly honest I have a pretty great schedule written down.  However, most days I find I am actually going off schedule.  I don't know if I am just trying to cram too much in one day.  Perhaps my schedule just doesn't allow for any interruptions or moments when I have to explain a concept over and over again.  I just know that lately I have become increasingly frustrated with my lack of consistency in following my schedule.  This frustration has been amplified by not always knowing what subjects to teach and which to let go when my day does not go the way I plan.  Then I was challenged by the thought of letting Bible slide.  After all isn't it important that we cover at least math and language arts daily.  Those are the two subjects we are required to test our children on (at least in Virginia) and report their scores to the superintendent.  Then it struck me Bible is not just a subject and if I treat it as just one more thing to get through on our daily checklist that is exactly the view my children will have towards God's Word.  

Today we read in John chapter 6 that Jesus is the bread of life.  Nothing will sustain my children more than learning God's Word.  And not just memorizing verses but learning the daily discipline and privilege of spending time with Jesus.  She is learning to discern the voice of Holy Spirit.  She is learning of the faith that will keep her everyday of her life.  We don't know what the future holds.  There is no guarantee that the America we live in today, that is still so full of opportunity and wealth, will be that same America our children and grandchildren experience.  The best and most important thing we can teach our children is to have a hunger and thirst after God.  To live life in light of eternity.  This will only be accomplished if we make sure we don't neglect the most important subject in our homeschool day and our entire life - God's Word.  Everything else can wait.


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    1. Thank you for the invite. I am now one of your newest followers.

  2. I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it. I’m your newest follower.

    1. Thank you for following. I've been to your blog before and I appreciate what you write about. Have a great day.


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